Colegio Los Ángeles




At Colegio Los Angeles we consider the process of Primary Basic Education as the key stage for the consolidation of habits, skills and attitudes that will determine the child’s performance in future school life and academic level. Likewise, we place fundamental emphasis on the understanding and assimilation of values as a tool to achieve an adequate interaction with the social and family environments.

We give a very important value to sports and artistic activities which provide students with the basis for the healthy use of their free time and for the development of their physical and intellectual potential. At the same time we promote the development of concrete thinking and the consolidation of basic learning skills.

The primary school teacher at Colegio Los Angeles, has values based on human quality and quality of service, fulfillment of their commitments, honest, reliable, responsible, nurtured by love and the charisma of an educator with integrity in his rewarding work of being a teacher.

Solidifying the foundations, preparing for the future…

Our team

Primary School Teachers

Angela Liliana Pérez Pérez

Primary Section Coordinator

Spanish Language 1st and 2nd grade

Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages.
Specialist in Educational Management.
Teaching experience: 14 years.

Attention to parents: Friday, 8:30am to 9:30am.

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