Los Angeles School
The Los Angeles School Digital Library currently has approximately 3,700 books and has a network of state-of-the-art PCs with Internet access, part of these were endowed by the Parents Association 2017-2018.
We had the presence of the professional Johana Patricia Medina, who has assumed its administration.
Hours of operation are 7:00am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 6:00pm.
Students of all ages flock to the Library to consult texts or the Internet, take a break between books and stories, and even borrow books to take home.
Los Angeles School
Institutional and allied platforms and databases
Britannica Encyclopedia Product Family
Book search and consultation | Collections | Ebooks |Reservations
Databases for Diploma Program
EBSCO Host Research Databases
Research, support your work in different subjects and monographs, make your consultations with specialized material.
Explora Primary
A world to investigate, so we will be more daring and eager for knowledge.
High School Resources
Explora Secondary
Articles, magazines, online books and much more.
Free Access Digital Resources Organized by class:
National and world libraries
National and world libraries
Free Access Databases
Loans and returns of bibliographic material
Students and teachers request the loan of bibliographic material, for on-site consultation or to take out of the school. Texts are loaned for five days, leaving the student ID card on consignment.
Orientation to references
Users are guided by the Library administrator on the location of texts and bibliographic information in general.